Most of the settings inside ReAgdoll can be configured to your liking, even offering the possibility to tell the mod which models it should ignore, in case you run into some ragdolls with.Fine details! Ragdolls will display dead faces and posed hands! These can also be configured to be as subtle or wonky as you wish!.Cleanup features! ReAgdoll offers a way to keep the battlefield tidy by offering options for both cleanup by time, and cleanup by number of bodies on the field!.With options including physics force multipliers for bullets and explosions, whether ragdolls should collide with players/npcs or not, and more. A set of physics options that will allow you to make the ragdolls behave as you wish.
Ragdolls will also be valid targets for npcs! they'll shoot any enemy ragdolls until they stop moving!.They can have their bones broken, catch on fire, turn into charred corpses, and even be killed prematurely! Ragdolls will also react to the environment whenever.Be it fire, bullets, physics, explosions, and even shock, they'll react accordingly. Animated ragdolls that react to the damage they have taken before death.With ReAgdoll you'll get the following set of features: